One franchise, however, had already fallen from grace. While there had been a steady decline in the company’s output leading into 2015, they had still put out quality titles such as Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection. Three years ago, a majority of the gaming world was waking up to Konami’s negligence. Konami exists now solely to slavishly hunt for mass-market appeal wherever it can by prostituting its beloved licenses any way possible. Coupled with licensed pachinko games, reports of horrible working conditions, and attempts to suppress Kojima in the wake of MGSV, it became clear that Konami wasn’t interested in making games for any other reason than maximum profit. For many Silent Hill fans, the cancellation of Hideo Kojima and Guillermo del Toro’s Silent Hills was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

In recent years, Konami’s disdain for their own franchises has been painfully evident.